
CRUD app

Make a CRUD app, about anything you like.

(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)

Fan site

Make a fan site about a movie, book, TV show, band, person, whatever you like.

(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)


Make a Bootstrap site with a navbar.

(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)


The story so far

Groovy! We have all of the CRUD. We are the CRUDiest. CRUDtastic.

One thing left: security. More specifically, we'll talk about authorization, or user permissions. This is one part of security, but an important part.

Earlier, you learned how to add Edit and Delete buttons to every record. Trouble is, that lets anyone delete your data. They go to the right URL, and keep clicking the Delete button.

Remember, normally DBs are kept on servers, so if one persons deletes data, it's gone for everyone.

Let's add some authorization.
