Fan site

Make a fan site about a movie, book, TV show, band, person, whatever you like.

  • Use Bootstrap.
  • Have at least six pages.
  • Use one navbar, footer, and style sheet for the entire site.
  • Use a logo in the navbar, with or instead of the site name. Make the logo small, so it looks good in the navbar.
  • Use a dropdown in the navbar. For example, links to pages on each book in a series.
  • Embed a YouTube video. (That's not covered in the course.)
  • Put a slide show on the home page.
  • Use at least four other images (apart from the slide show, and logo). Make sure they're responsive. That's in the Bootstrap docs.

Submit the URL of your site.

(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)

Referenced in: