Cool things
Cool things that curious people might want to explore.
Cool thing | Keywords |
An automatic Google search Make an |
Back to the past Jump back through history at a random time. |
Events, JavaScript |
Do, or do not There is no try. Do, or do not. |
If statement, JavaScript |
Fading text Argh! The text on the page is fading! |
CSS, If statement, JavaScript, jQuery, Visual effects |
Image flip Change an image unexpectedly. |
Images, JavaScript, jQuery, Visual effects |
Image tool bag Collect a bag of tools for messing with images. |
Images |
Inverted paragraphs Some paragraphs are inverted. |
CSS, If statement, JavaScript, Loop, Visual effects |
Secret link Make a secret link on a page. |
Vanishing links Confuse people with links that vanish when the mouse moves over them. |
Web server on your computer You can run your own web server on your own computer. Great for development, and testing. |